Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dirt Pope Could Make Us Eat Fish Forever

Seafood is not just a place to stay but also a toilet. The study, published in the journal PLoS Biology in August 2011 revealed that about 2.2 million species, from microscopic zooplankton to one-ton creatures, living and defecating in the ocean.

Among the many types of animals, whales are most abundant species produce "garbage".

A study released in the Canadian Journal of Zoology reveals, Sei whales which can reach a length of 18 meters and weighs 45 tons to produce 627 liters of urine a day, the equivalent of 166 gallons of drinking water.

Meanwhile, Fin whales along the 26 meters and weight of 72 575 kilograms of producing 974 liters or 257 gallons of urine per day.

Total feces sea has never been measured but dengam easily found at sea level. Stool one of the largest mammals on Earth has a distinctive color and a pungent odor.

Although it is a metabolic waste, urine and feces pope useful, makes human beings can still eat fish.

Urine provide nitrogen to the environment. While feces in addition to providing nitrogen also supplies the oceans with phosphorus and iron.

Phytoplankton, tiny sea creatures that have functions such as a tree, using the nutrients from whale dung to grow.

With the nutrients, phytoplankton are able to perform photosynthesis, providing oxygen for other marine creatures, and reproduce.

Phytoplankton growth due to dirt whales allows marine ecosystems remain balanced.

Zooplankton eat phytoplankton. Zooplankton then eaten by other creatures bigger. Thus the food chain in the oceans work.

Joe Roman, a biologist from the University of Vermont, said that the pope is "ecosystem engineers".

Several species of whales prey on creatures that live in the deep sea and the rest of the digestive throw dirt on the surface of the ocean.

Pope shows the connection between sea creatures and a surface that will not be possible to meet.

Today, whales are animals that face many threats. Scientists predicted, caused a decline in whale populations would be disastrous for the organisms that depend on the dirt pope.

If left unchecked, the fish stocks as a source of protein for humans in danger. Humans may be difficult to eat fish.

"Research shows that more and more whales, the population of the fish population will also increase. This is because the pope to release nutrients that sustain the life of the fish," said Ramon was quoted as saying by LiveScience, June 25, 2016 last.

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