Sunday, November 6, 2016

Everyone was genius Including You

Very often we hear people categorize others on the basis of his intelligence, starting from the ignorant, mediocre, until a genius. In fact, such a perception is not true for everyone is a genius including yourself, only in a different way. These are the types of human genius:

In short, the meaning of the word "Genius" or "Genius" is a person with the capacity of intelligence above the average. Ironically, the people around us see that capacity only in the academic value, which in fact should be realized that not all of the same human genius.

A concrete example can be seen from a permisalan Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein. Yes, many of you must have often heard these two names, as the famous painter Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein as a world world-renowned scientist.

If we only look from the fields of physics, Albert Einstein is someone who is a genius but Pablo Picasso probably never will be called a genius in this field.

By contrast, if we look from the art of painting. But these two men in fact it is two geniuses only in their respective fields of their own. So if you can already picture?

9 Types of Human genius

To shed more light on this subject, a renowned psychologist, Howard Gardner explains that intelligence or human intelligence are further referred to as a genius, can be divided into 9 types of intelligence.

1. Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Person's ability to set, measure, and understand numerical symbols, abstractions and logic. Ingenuity is what usually measured academically in school-school.

2. Linguistic Intelligence

Language processing capabilities both in terms of understanding or implementation in writing or orally. Similarly premises logical mathematical intelligence, intelligence is also usually measured academically

3. Visual Spatial Intelligence

Defined as the ability to perceive the visual world and how the relationship between the position of one object with another. This may sound a bit confusing, but in short can be described as the intelligence related to paint, solve puzzles, photography and the like.

4. Intelligence Kinestestik

Ability interlinked on how a person utilizes his limbs in a skillful manner. This is where sports people including experts pantonim physically superior to everyone else.

5. Musical Intelligence

As the name suggests, this intelligence is about a person's ability to recognize and create the tone, rhythm, and voice patterns to what we know as "music."

6. Intrapersonal intelligence

Explaining about how high the level of self-awareness of a person. Starting from realizing the weaknesses, strengths, until feeling himself. A successful leader at least certainly have good interpersonal intelligence good enough to progress themselves or their vision for success.

7. Interpersonal Intelligence

Contrary to intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence is the ability to communicate with others beginning of understanding the feelings of others to affect the ability of the person.

8. Naturalist intelligence

An additional category of intelligence relating to the ability to process information either natural environment or the environment around you. Example sderhana is you love in the wild, relationships with animals, or more longer meklasifikasikan wild life such as plants and animals easily.

9. Existential intelligence

Those who study intelligence theory suggests that there should be an additional category of other intelligence related to religious and spiritual awareness.

But in spite of yourself more expert in intelligence than the other one, please note that virtually all humans have all this intelligence 9 different only in degree. One may be expert paint, while others might be an expert in mathematical calculations.

Genius Which One Are You?

The late Steve Jobs, is a figure who is viewed and touted as a genius and moreover as a charismatic leader of Apple founder. With a variety of products visionarisnya, he brought the civilization of mobile phone technology into a greatest progress in the year.

But if Steve Jobs is a genius? According to an expert biography turns out Steve Jobs does not have the level of genius that can be said to be exceptional, he only considered to have average intelligence. However, how he leverages the ingenuity intrapersonalnya made himself to be a genius.

From here we can see that it is imperative for us including the intelligence you know where we are better than the people around us. Always try new things and maybe you'll find your new life inspiration.

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